Manage Documents, Equipment, Resources and Books

Centralise storage and tracking of digital and physical items. What do you have, who has them, who can access them, when are they being returned, what have they used in the past. Used by musicians, libraries, resource libraries and others.


Resources for musicians

Keep an MP3, PDF or two about each song. Then connect these songs to the event they are playing at – now your musicians can all be singing from the same song sheet!

Keep up to date

Keeping your master copies of policies, budgets, forms all accessible from the cloud ensures accuracy. Adding permission controls around who can edit improves that. Using infoodle groups to gain access makes the permissions more reliable than a free-for-all folder

Resources for small groups

Leaders can now log in and see what resources are available, comment on what they think about them and reserve a copy

Public library

Make your books and resources searchable and bookable online – just like a real library with automated reminders.