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Change is an inevitable and essential part of life. It’s what propels societies, organisations, and individuals forward. Embracing change is often challenging, but it is also the catalyst for progress and improvement.


For any charity or not-for-profit organisation, change is not just a choice but a necessity in order to fulfil your organisation’s mission and purpose. To make a meaningful impact and bring about positive change, charities need to adapt and evolve. In this blog, we will explore how technology, specifically CRM database platforms, can empower charity organisations to be the change they wish to see in their community and the world.

The Need for Change

Charity organisations and churches exist to address various societal challenges and support those in need. These challenges can be diverse, including poverty, health, disability, education, disaster and crisis plus many more. However, the issues charities aim to solve are not static as society, technology, economy and the environment changes, charities need to adapt and evolve in order to meet their mission and objectives.

Here are a few reasons why charity organisations must embrace change:

  • Evolving Needs: As society evolves, so do the needs of the people and communities the charities serve. To remain relevant and effective, charities must adapt their strategies and services to address current needs or challenges.
  • Technological Advancements: Technology has revolutionised how information is collected, managed, and shared. Keeping up with technological advancements is crucial for charities to streamline their operations and better reach and serve their beneficiaries.
  • Donor Expectations: Donors today expect transparency, accountability, and measurable impact from charities. Embracing technology can help charities meet these expectations by providing real-time data and insights.
  • Efficiency and Sustainability: Change can also lead to greater efficiency and sustainability. By adopting innovative technologies, charities can optimise their resources, reduce costs, and maximise the impact of their programs.


Having a powerful software system that offers charities a comprehensive solution to manage and understand their data, improve efficiency, and enhance their impact is vital. Here are some examples how a good CRM can benefit a charity organisation

Data Management and Centralisation:
A good cloud based CRM allows charities to centralise all their data. Having all your clients, members, volunteers, donor information and program outcomes and more in one secure platform allows easy access, reduced duplication and only 1 system to maintain. This consolidation simplifies data management, streamlines operations, communications, events, and ensures that information which is a single version of the truth is readily accessible to all authorised personnel when they need  it.

Streamlined Administrative Tasks:
Administrative tasks can be time-consuming and divert resources away from the core mission of a charity. Having a CRM that simplifies and automates tasks such as communications, data entry, reporting, rostering, issuing tax receipts etc. can free up staff and volunteers to focus on other areas such as program development, outreach, and impact assessment.

Reporting and Compliance:
Charities need to regularly report back to their boards and funders to measure outcomes and gain insights into donor behaviour and performance. These insights enable organisations to make informed decisions, spot trends, and adapt their strategies as needed.

Many charities are subject to regulatory requirements and reporting obligations. It is crucial organisations are capturing sufficient data in such a way to report how they meet targets and compliance requirements. This is essential in order for the organisation to ensure they are able to continue their work and focus on their mission without being bogged down by administrative burdens.

Donor Engagement:
Building and maintaining strong donor relationships is essential for sustaining a charity’s operations. Being able to track interactions, donor preferences, and giving history, personalised communication enables more targeted and successful fundraising campaigns. By understanding donor preferences and behaviours, organisations can tailor their fundraising efforts and improve donor retention.

Fundraising Efficiency:
Reporting and segmenting your donor database allows charities to optimise their fundraising efforts. Organisations can identify high-value donors and tailor fundraising campaigns accordingly. This targeted approach often leads to higher donation rates, recurring donors and increased revenue.

Transparency and Accountability:
Transparency is crucial for gaining the trust of donors and stakeholders. Your system should be able to support transparency by tracking financial transactions, recording involvement and program outcomes, tracking  access to financial and other data by authorised staff, management and personnel to view or edit and be logged via an audit trail. Accountability helps staff and management accuracy and helps donors feel confident that their contributions are being used effectively.

Customisation and Scalability:
Technology allows for a versatile platform that can be tailored to the specific needs of each charity, this could be either an expensive custom built system or a more economical off the shelf system that you can tailor to suit your needs like infoodle. As charities grow or change their focus, your database needs to scale with you and accommodate the increased data volume and complexity.

Integration Capabilities:
Today, there is a wide variety of different systems and many specialise in one particular area so you can choose other essential software platforms. Having a system that integrates with other software gives you the best tools available while maintaining 1 system. For example, accounting software such as Xero, payment gateways such as Stripe or GoCardless,  as well as other website management systems. Seamless integration ensures that data flows smoothly between different systems, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing overall efficiency.

In summary, technology can be harnessed  to serve as a tool for charities, offering advanced data management, successful client support features, volunteer and donor engagement tools, and automation features. By leveraging these functionalities, charities can streamline their operations, enhance transparency, and optimise their impact and become more effective agents of positive change in their communities

Change Can Be Difficult, But Necessary

Embracing change, especially in the form of new technology, can be challenging when many charities rely on volunteers. It may require some investment of resources such as staff time, more volunteers, funds, training, and creating new workflows. Initially the team may be resistant to change and work will need to be done to get their engagement and support. There will be an adjustment period with some possible disruption to your normal activity.  However, the benefits far outweigh the difficulties.

Here are a few key points to help implement change, it is by no means an exhaustive list.

  1. Assessment: Conduct a thorough analysis of current operations and systems to assess where changes to efficiency, accuracy, cost saving, and improved service can be made. Assess the costs and risks involved in making the changes as well as the benefits gained.
  2. Stakeholder involvement: Engage all stakeholders, including staff, donors, volunteers and beneficiaries in the process as much as practical. Foster collaboration  and teamwork, gaining feedback from different perspectives and ownership of the process and outcome.
  3. Vision and Strategy: Define a clear vision for the change and develop a strategic plan outlining goals, timelines and resources required  and how you can mitigate risks and minimise disruptions. 
  4. Communication: Communicate the vision and benefits the change will bring, continue to communicate throughout the process. Remain transparent and acknowledge the successes as well as the lessons learned. 
  5. Training and Development: Ensure good training and support is provided to equip the team with the necessary skills and knowledge to bring about the expected outcomes. 
  6. Evaluation: Monitor the outcomes of the change, gather feedback and evaluate the impact on the charity’s missions. The desired impact is to be more effective, efficient, and responsive to the needs of their beneficiaries. 


Technology,  platforms like Infoodle offer the tools and capabilities needed to adapt, evolve, and thrive in the ever-changing landscape of charitable work. By harnessing technology for good, charities can amplify their efforts, engage donors and volunteers, and bring about meaningful and lasting change. 

Infoodle is a powerful software system that offers charities a comprehensive solution to manage and understand their data, improve efficiency, and enhance their impact. All features discussed in this article are infoodle features. If you would like to learn more please contact us.